Round table | veilige IT/OT-integratie in kritieke infrastructuur: Praktische inzichten | 17 april 2025

Bent u voorbereid op de security uitdagingen van OT-omgevingen? Het dreigingsbeeld voor OT-omgevingen verandert en de toenemende afhankelijkheid van OT-systemen in kritieke infrastructuren groeit. IT/OT-integratie, IoT-oplossingen en cloudmigratie bieden kansen voor optimalisatie, maar vergroten ook de kwetsbaarheid van systemen. OT-beveiliging krijgt vaak onvoldoende aandacht, terwijl traditionele IT-beveiligingsmethoden niet altijd toepasbaar zijn op OT-technologie. Hoe past […]
Breaking down silos: Coordinating sensitive information security across the Dutch government

Within the Netherlands, there’s a growing problem of sharing information and distributing who’s creating new cryptographic products. Or better said, there is a lack of ecosystems within the Dutch cryptographic landscape. Frans van Dorsselaer, Principal Architect at Fox Crypto and with over thirty years of experience in cybersecurity, has witnessed firsthand the challenges Dutch government […]
Rethinking DataDiodes: From domain separation to secure domain integration in Dutch Ministries

Contrary to common belief, DataDiodes are not merely intended for domain separation. According to Frans van Dorsselaer, Principal Architect at Fox Crypto, they are actually crucial for secure domain integration. Frans has spent years navigating the complexities of cybersecurity within Dutch government institutions. With extensive experience in developing secure communication solutions, he offers a fresh […]